Nisar Khan Muhammad

  • Nisar Khan Muhammad
    Nisar Khan Muhammad
    Hello Dear Friends of Global Humanitarian /Developmental Community. The issue of "Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters" where the scope extends to period beyond 2015 can neither be generalized nor over simplified. Besides taking into account the Disaster Profile of specific countries, it also needs to study the history and nature of disasters in particular areas of that country. Countries suffering from similar threat of disasters needs be grouped together for unified and integrated response by/ from International/ Regional and /or National / Local Government and Community. Like studying the behavior/ history of disasters by a specific River System in a Region ( many rivers flow from one country to another) may indicate us better response at strategic level rather than combating the effects of floods in a particular area at operational level. There is also a need to determine "level" for UN Intervention whether it be at strategic/operational or local level?
    August 2012
  • Nisar Khan Muhammad
    Nisar Khan Muhammad joined.
    August 2012

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August 2012
Last Active
September 2012


Danish Refugee Council (Pakistan)
Non-Governmental Organization